“Back-To-The-Basics “ is the theme of my term as president of Esprit.
I pledge that Back-To-The-Basics means more to me that just a catchy phrase. To me it means the following:
I. Communications
Timely communication and monthly updates on activities of the club
Monthly updates on the activities other clubs in the region, and the NBS.
Updated membership roster
II. Financial
Monthly treasure ’s report
Timely payments of refunds
III. Membership
Develop a marketingplan to attract new members
IV. Activities
Increase the number of local ski trips
Increase the participation with other clubs in our region
Promote activities that are supported by membership participation and are profitable
V. Meetings
Agendas will be prepared for each meeting
General body meetings will start on time at 6:30PM, second Tuesday of the month
Executive Board meeting will start at 5:00PM the second Tuesday of the month
Executive Board meetings are open to all members in good standing
In closing, for us to perform at the levels that I pledge we must have all members help by paying their renewal dues on time, trip payments must be paid on time, members must attend meetings and participate on one or more committees.
Please note the following:
The deadline for submitting items for the newsletter is third Thursday of the month to Christal Howard-Wiggins